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No Tears Self-Soothing

Effective gentle techniques for self-settling and staying asleep
Heidi Holvoet, PhD (author)

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Within two nights I started to see improvements in my son's ability to fall asleep. The program is brief and to the point, ... Starlight   more parent reviews

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About the program

No Tears Self-Soothing takes you through the award-winning 3-step program by Heidi Holvoet for teaching your baby to settle independently. The effective techniques include gentle ways to wean from nursing, holding, rocking or otherwise helping to sleep, transitioning from co-sleeping and from sleeping in odd places (like a swing, stroller, ...).

Parents love the consistently improved sleep they see and appreciate the author's supportive tone.

Fully hands-on and truthfully honoring baby's uniqueness, the 3 steps naturally help you adapt the gentle techniques where necessary to fit your baby's needs, abilities and health condition as well as your family situation.

For babies from 1 month and up to 3 years old. Approach, goals and results will vary naturally with age and are clearly explained in the program.

This program has been awarded among the best in family-friendly media, products and services by the Mom's Choice Awards®.

What's inside?

In Step 1 "Setting the stage" you will make sure none of the all-too-often ignored self soothing spoilers play. Avoiding and if necessary remedying those is crucial for your baby to be able to learn to self soothe at all.

Step 2 "Know your baby's self soothing age" is the key to adapting the approach to your baby's unique needs and abilities. Only thanks to nicely fine-tuning like this, can the self soothing techniques work.

With the techniques in Step 3 - described by one mom as 'a lifesaver' - you will gradually decrease settling times, decrease the amount of presence and assistance your baby needs to settle and reduce nightly wakings to improve sleeping through the night.

Customer Reviews

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Within two nights I started to see improvements in my son's ability to fall asleep. The program is brief and to the point, but still has enough content to provide the information I need. The methods are situation and age specific, so you can develop your own techniques based on your family's needs. I LOVE this program! Starlight

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I cannot believe the difference this program has made. Before, I was trying something new to get my 8 month old to sleep through the night every couple weeks! I would give up on one thing and move on to the next. This program has helped me to see very gradual and subtle things you can change to help my baby sleep and me to relax a little bit. We are definitely less stressed at bed time and we get more sleep! Love this program. Thank you for helping me get my sleep back! Mak

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Thank you for helping my 6 month old boy get better sleep. I purchased "No-Tears Self soothing" and amazingly it worked in a week. Now, my boy goes to bed so easily and can sleep through the night. (Biggest issues were that he needed to be fed and loosing pacifier. It all fixed after reading your program!!). Naomi, New York

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I wish I read this months ago. My daughter is 14 months old. She was awake multiple times in the night. From the time she was born I was up with her every 1-4 hours. On the third night of implementing the strategies suggested from this program she slept just over 7 hours. Ann

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First program that actually did help- results in one week thank you / and my baby is breastfed - miracle.
This program saved me. I took me every single night minimum 2 hours to get him down and it would never be before 9pm. This program is not too long, and its easy to read. After applying simple tips and recommendations from Heidi, I manage to get my baby to bed at 7 and he would be fully asleep 30 mins later. I can even leave him in the cot and don't need to nurse him all the time. AMAZING. I spent 11 full months trying everything, but Heidi was the only solution which was EASY to apply, NO TEARS and QUICK. Love it. Thank you again. I hope more exhausted mums will benefit.

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More Customer Reviews

"Best and most practical"

Quotation marks for testimonialsHeidi, your program includes the best and most practical (and detailed) info! I read several others and they didn't help at all. Mostly because they were so terribly wordy and full of lengthy "case scenarios" - too dramatic and hard to follow. Your writing was so relieving.

- Alison, NYC

"Best alternative to cry it out method"

Quotation marks for testimonialsThis is a great alternative to the cry it out method that REALLY works. I highly recommend this as you try to sleep train.

- Jabin

"70 pages of magic"

Quotation marks for testimonialsIt was as if it was meant to be...
Your no tears self soothing program was so helpful, easy to read and understand (and I've read so many books and advice columns), and to top it all off its only 70 pages....but 70 pages of magic.

Shadia, Montreal, Canada

"It works!"

Quotation marks for testimonialsIt works!! Hi Heidi, wanted to tell you A GREAT BIG THANKS for your tips on self soothing the gentle way. our little girl is now 8 1/2 mos old and has been going to sleep more and more awake since trying the technique. She now goes down completely awake falls asleep in 10 min and goes back to sleep at night when she wakes. She sleeps 10-11 hours a night and her naps have gone from 30-45 min to 1 - 2 hours. All with out the severe and harsh crying it out methods! THANKS!

- Anne Munelly, Omaha, NE

"The very best I've read"

Quotation marks for testimonialsI've read lots of baby sleep books and this is the one that gave me faith again! It is short (thank you), straightforward, effective.

I was really surprised that there were lots of things I didn't think of/read before and that were really good. I thought by now I had read it all! Of course you have the usual "not too tired, bedtime routine, lovey" tips but even that's better explained than in other books.
There is no filling, no self-congratulatory anecdotes from the author or endless list of credentials as intro, no guilt trip, no CIO... yes, sounds refreshing, doesn't it.
A good example is how to wean baby from falling asleep with the nipple/bottle/pacifier in mouth and (catch phrase coming up) putting him/her to sleep awake. It is easier and better than Pantley's much-overblown "Gentle Removal Plan" (and without the fuss)!!

- Celine, Brussels

"This might be the best 10$ you spend in your entire life!"

Quotation marks for testimonialsMy 9 months old used to never be able to fall asleep on his own and would wake up 1-3 times a night crying and needing me to fall back asleep. After reading that book and after many nights of patience and persistence (SO important like the author says many times in that program) my baby which is now 17 months old has been falling asleep completely on his own, wide awake, and NEVER woke up in the middle of the night. It did not happen from one day to the other but I would say that within a month or 2 at the most he had completely change his sleeping habits. Not only at night but during the day naps as well. I finally have some time back for myself during the day and I can enjoy my evenings with my husband. To everyone who is thinking of buying this program but are skeptical: just do it! This might be the best $ you spend in your entire life! Although I recognize this might not be working for everyone, I'm pretty sure than 99% of babies could have sleep improvements using these techniques.

- Emma

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